It was the best of times… It was the worst of times… [9/24/02 3:52 PM]
Best of times:
So, on Sunday night Sarah and I went out to a nearby field and watched the sky… That was awesome. It really felt like we finally were getting to figure this whole dating thing out… We watched the stars and talked about philisophical stuff… like.. does God laugh at my jokes since no one down here does? Does God sweat? I’d think so after creating everything… that’s gotta be tiring! And if so, what does God use for deoderant? Maybe none… maybe God just lives it up in the God stank he emits from the pits and it is SO AWESOME a smell that we can’t stand it… that’d explain why everyone hits the ground the instant they are in the presence of God… it’s the smell!!!
So we talked about stuff like that… it wasn’t all stupid… I promise. Then we raided Meijers at 1:30AM. Have you ever seen Sarah slap-happy? I have. HAHA… she rocks. After evaluating the square footage of paper-towel per roll to the dollar… … … er… something.. we left and came back for a half night’s sleep before classes in the morning. That night was so cool. I think our relationship is finally starting to take shape and the awkwardness is slipping away… It’s funny how you can be in relationships before and still have to re-learn it all like it’s completely new to you… anyway, Sarah rocks and I can’t stop thanking God for how awesome He has been in my life.
Worst of times:
I know that whining is overrated so here it goes, short and simple. BGNet keeps kicking me offline and I have no internet half of the time, I have 65,000 dollars worth of video equipment to set up and learn how to opperate in 1 day, I have to input 6 songs worth of lyrics line-by-line into a machine and still make 3-4 hours worth of slides that same day cuz Becky is out of town. The day before that I have to finsih the videos for that weekend, tear down my office, and move it all to the new building… then set it up and have it working for the next day! People want their internet hooked up at the new building, but we don’t have wires run to half of the cubicles nor any classrooms, a few offices, and MY room! We need to build a server. AND the office is passing around a virus now so I have to fight that off! Oh yeah, and there is some rumor about our website sending spam mail out to others… great… i’ll look into that in my SPARE TIME…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. ok ok… enough jokes… I’m not allowed to have fun this weekend… THIS WEEKEND IS THE BIG PUSH!!!
Mood: Stressed outside, but laughing and happy inside…
Music: Shaded Red – Use Me