Step out the front door like a ghost into the fog… where no one notices the contrast of white on white.
Counting Crows are stuck in my head:
Round here she’s always on my mind (cuz I love my wifey)… Round here hey man got lots of time (but not enough)…Round here we’re never sent to bed early (on fridays)… And nobody makes us wait (cept for Sarah waiting for me to get home from work)… Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late (but not since we’re married and work full-time)…
So married life is great…. but we never seem to have much time together… I’m getting used to it though, and I realize that we’re learning how to cherish the time we have together. We’re both so busy working and it seems to consume our entire day! Sarah gets up for work at 6:30am and I don’t see her till I get back from work around 6pm… Then we have to go to bed around 11pm for work the next day. So we have a 5 hour window to do stuff each night… and those nights fill quickly as well. Tuesday is our small group, wednesday she volunteers at the Creek, Thursdays I play hockey, Saturdays I work nights, and Sundays are filled once a month with work also…. So we have Mondays and Fridays to enjoy married life together for more than an hour in a row.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d take this over what I had before in a heartbeat… at least now I’m not working two (sometimes three) jobs, taking full-time classes, and trying to have a relationship on top of that. Now it’s just work and marriage…. So… you know… rock. And with the amount of money we’re making now (two full-time jobs), we’re able to pay off quite a bit of debt over the next two to five years that will put us essentially debt free until we buy a house, and it will also let us invest enough money into our Roth IRA to retire at 65 with a few million dollars….. so you know…. in the year 2047…. Rock.
ANYWAY, as I mentioned earlier, I’m playing hockey again. That’s a blast and I’ve really missed playing. I play on Thursday nights and on Wednesdays (my day off of work) I try to play some disc golf to keep my game from going too far down the toilet…. I shot a +1 in the rain today. Not that great…. but what are ya gonna do when 3 of the holes are literally 3 inches deep in water. Ok, I must go finish making dinner. In the meantime…. love peace and hair grease.
Just stopping by to say hi
glad to hear married life is treating you well! best wishes to you and Sarah!
the husband cooking dinner?! rock on my friend…
I’ll be happy to school you tomorrow! See you at hockey!
It helps to show up to hockey in order to try and school me…. but either way…. I did pretty good. We played for 90 min. and I let up 6 goals… All were rebounds except for one 2 on 0. I stopped probably close to 45 shots though. I was getting hammered all night. We won 8-6. But were outshot by about 3 times as much.
Josh scored on me again…. but the problem was that we were on the same team. They banked it off of his skate in front of the net…. Our team made fun of him pretty good for that one.
Oh man, what a riot. It really sucks that Thursday is my instalation day. Its been so long since I did actual manual labor.