Monthly Archives: July 2004

Why my wifey is da coolest… Cuz she gave me $600 of our savings to pay for new compooter parts…. So coupled with my saved up allowance cash, money I’ve made from helping others with their pooters…. and birthday mulah…. I’m finally able to buy all the parts I need! WOOT for building a new […]

What’d I Do!?!?!! Brenty must build a new compooter…. the need is growing larger and I can’t stifle it forever.  Usually I build a new computer once every two years… well… it’s been almost 3 now and I’m getting antsy.  I had to save mulah and not build so I could get hitched and go […]

Chairball is… … life. Learn it, like it, play it, love it, live it. (This message brought to you by the NCL, National Chairball League.)