OK… well, I have a new look to the site… I took one of the skins and then added my own links and removed other links… customized some stuff… hey, everyone’s at fall getaway so I had to do SOMETHING to stay entertained! 

Anyway, like I said, fall getaway for H2O is this weekend and I’m stuck NOT going again because CedarCreek is in the middle of a big push series…. DOH!  That always stinks for me.  I’m hoping to go next year though so I can at least experience what it is like before I graduate BGSU!  Speaking of that, I checked my degree audit and according to that, I have 18 classes to take before I can graduate yet… now… that doesn’t sound like many… but if you break it down… 4 next semester… that leaves 14 for my senior year.  Even if I DID go full time, that’s only 10. POOP!  That means I have to take 14 over the course of 2 years since I’m going to do my senior year part-time… that’s 7 classes per year… 3-4 per semester… DANG THAT’S ABOUT WHAT I’M TAKIN NOW!  crap crap crappity crap crap!  heh heh… bomb bomb bomb… bomb bomb bomb bomb… (that goes out to all the “Meet the Parents” fans)

ANYWAY, so I’m thinkin… WHAT IF I take 3 classes each semester of my senior year(s)… that eliminates 12 and leaves two left.  I could take those over the summer between my senior years!  YAY!  That way I’m still graduating in 5 years (2 of which being my senior year part-time).  Sounds like a plan.  ::sigh:: now to figure out what is offerred when… cuz I KNOW half of my classes aren’t even offered two out of the three times a year.  GRRR… scheduling sucks.  I wish the University would just look at my life and say… “yup… he can hold his own… give the man a degree.”  but NOoooooooooooooooooo…. instead I have to take “English 388 – Technical Writing” and “Tech 302 – Technological Systems in Today’s Society”……..  blah blah blah blah… GAG ME!  ah well… such is life… I’ll be outta here in 2005.  I’ll have no more time taken up by school.  No more time taken up by being an RA.  No more time taken up by campus stuff… ahhh… the free life… working 50 hours a week for CedarCreek…  Buy me a house… Marry me a good woman… Raise some kids… Grow some marijua…. ummm…. nevermind.

AND on that note, I’m going to bed.  It’s almost 4am.  To all you peeps who are at fall getaway, I’m prayin for ya.  Have fun.  Be safe.  Sarah, I miss ya… don’t make out with TOO many boys… Matt… have fun… don’t make out with TOO many boys… … … ummm…. yeah.  Night.

Mood:  Slaphappy
Music:  Jimmy Eat World – Sweetness

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