Author Archives: Brent Pirolli

School and Budget Woes Nothing like setting up a budget to make you realize how poor you really are… Sarah and I established a budget to see how we can participate with CedarCreek’s Phase II Building Campaign, manage our current debt, save for our honeymoon, and still have money to go out to eat or […]

WHOOOZAT?  It’s ME! XANGA IS ALIVE!!!  Well, their 12 hour maintenance lasted 23 hours… but it’s around and kickin, so props to the server monkeys that had to do the update… I feel your pain from one System Admin to another…  I finished another 15 page report today… WOOT!  Only one more 15 pager to […]

LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE # 7,000!!! Quick Story Tuesday I see signs that say, “H2O is Hosting a Euchre Tournament Thursday” with details and then a line that read “First prize = $50.”  So I says to Sarah, “Sarah,” I says… “We should do that tournament.  We could win.”  Two days later, we […]

Do I Smell THAT Bad? I didn’t think I did…. Heck… I JUST showered….. (I’m typing in my boxers!) So if that visual didn’t scare you off, then you’re still reading.  I’m severely disturbed at the lack of commentary on my last post…. THAT WAS GRADE A STUFF BABY!  ::sigh:: I can’t please you people… […]

Drunken StuPOR…. or StuPID? Working the late night shifts at Offenhauer (12am-4am) are always entertaining… I usually do this every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday night.  This past Friday was Halloween.  So you think I’d have a lot to say about girls taking the opportunity to dress EVEN SLUTTIER…. (Didn’t think it was possible till a few […]

Updated Scoreboard 5 Reports done 2 Reports to do 44 Pages written 30 Pages to write 34 Lady Bugs removed from room 35 Lady Bugs stuck behind screen…. heh heh… 0   Lady Bugs in room… ::sigh:: I’m surviving.  My printer is getting pretty mad at me though… I’m overworking the poor thing… It freaked out two days ago […]

The Count 4 Reports done 3 Reports to do 25 Pages written 37 Pages to write 32 Lady Bugs removed from room 27 Lady Bugs stuck behind screen…. heh heh… 0   Lady Bugs in room… Average hours of sleep = 5.5 / night Needed hours for real rest = 9 / night Baptisms last night […]

Sorry, only available in English. Heh heh…. I had to do a website project thang…. Here’s my four hour result.  Just for kicks… comments?  I know it’s not terribly exciting… but hey… it’s what she wanted.  Instructions for a process.  I chose a computer topic because… well…. I’m a nerd. Click me for a boring […]

Asian Lady Beetles These are what I have been fighting for the past month…  I now have a collection in my room of them.  Ewww….. are they dead?  No.  I have pets.  I taped all my window frames to keep them out…. no luck…. I taped any cracks I could find in my walls or […]

Law Class My ….. …… butt. So I’m in two law classes right now.  One of which appears hard, the other appears easy.  It’s funny how the one that appears hard is the beginner class eh?  Well I was wrong… one isn’t hard…. they BOTH ARE!  Nay… not “hard”…. but “impossible to get an A”…. […]