Random Questions: 1) Who likes pudding? 2) Do you eat/like peanut butter and banana sandwiches? 3) Do you like my new header? 4) Are you wearing pants right now? Mood: Inquisitive
Random Questions: 1) Who likes pudding? 2) Do you eat/like peanut butter and banana sandwiches? 3) Do you like my new header? 4) Are you wearing pants right now? Mood: Inquisitive
Tying Up Loose Ends Ok… so I think I have this whole guest list fiasco solved now. (I say “think” because when dealing with women there is no “know.” ) I received some counsel from some friends of mine, and came to the conclusion that it just wasn’t worth fighting over with my mother and […]
What the? It’s funny cuz…. I look and dress like this guy too! You are a Minister. You know the Bible in andout…back and forth. Consider putting thetitle “Reverend” in front of yourname because you got most if not all of themright! How Bible-versed are you? brought to you by Quizilla Anyway, I gotta go […]
The Passing of a Spiritual Legend Wow…. totally shocker to me at 2:30am… I just found out that on July 19th Bill Bright died! Bill was the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ over 50 years ago. This man did a TON for the cause of Christ and his work has revolutionized the world! -He started […]
The vow of silence… So today was interesting… I slept until just before noon, got up, showered, and talked to my mom about the whole situation last night. I finally got to explain my position to someone! WOOT! (Tom was at work.) She understood but was so depressed that her husband and her son weren’t […]
Fathers do not exasperate your children… I have NOT had a good past 2 days… I had a fight with one of my bosses at work that led to the threat of “big trouble” for me… I had a fight with my mom and Tom over the wedding guest list… and my stomach has been […]
Candles are flaming – Must be that time again… Happy Birthday to me… happy…. hic……. hic…… ….. …. ::falls on floor:: ACTUALLY… I’m not planning on drinkin… … but it’s fun to finally not be limited by age anymore from the law OR high car insurance rates…. Mood: Fabsolutely Pine…. hic….
The Last Days – Prewrath Rapture So lately I’ve really been diggin this whole “end times” prophecy fulfillment stuff. I’ve been looking a lot at Anna’s blogs on the prophecies of Daniel and the current events in the world regarding the European Union forming the “one world” government… I’ve been researching quite a bit on my […]
At least I’ll be rested in Heaven: ::sigh:: It’s 5:30am on Sunday morning… I can’t sleep. I don’t know why… I’ve sat tossing and turning in bed for at least an hour now… I slept for about 4 hours then have had a crappy time since then. What sucks is that I have to get […]
Not much happening round here today… I DID finally beat that stinkin board on Worms Armageddon…. now the game is losing my interest pretty quick… it has been conquered and is no longer invading my mind and taunting me. Today I went to a staff dinner at CedarCreek where they presented our projected plans to […]