Author Archives: Brent Pirolli

Hey all…. I just want to support this cause…. PLEASE check it out… It’s really kinda cool.  IBM has partnered with a few other major companies…(Gateway, Intel, Microsoft) and they do research for cancer cures… Here’s how it works.  People across the world download this software that runs in the background of your computer.  Whenever you’re […]

So I picked up two anonymous subscribers….. I’ve never had one before and now I have two!  One on 4/23 and the other two days later…. what the crap is up with that?!?  Why would you subscribe anonymously?  Do I smell THAT BAD? In other news, later today (Thrusday) Sarah and I are hanging out…. […]

So I just typed this once…. only… MUCH longer… and it was deleted cuz Xanga hoed me hard…. GRRR!  TAKE 2! OK… So I’ve been home for the summer for a week now… and you’d think that would mean I’m chillin in the sun soakin up some rays and sippin some iced drinks… but alas […]

OK…. so I’m halfway unpacked after being home for nearly 5 days… It’s kind of pathetic, and kind of totally understandable… CedarCreek has kept me quite busy this week and I have TONS more to do there…. Sarah and I have been spending a lot of time together still… which is good… it just takes […]

OK, so I’m back at home now… and I’m typing this entry on my … dun dun dun…. new laptop! YEE HAA! Well… it’s not really new…. it’s 6 months old… and it’s not really mine…. it’s the church’s but I am the sole user of it for….. uhhh…. ever?The downside is, Xanga doesn’t make […]

So it’s been awhile since my last post… mainly becuase I’ve been OWNED by end-of-year duties… I spent about 30 hours tuesday-thursday on a CD-Rom design/build that is my portfolio for a Final Project in my Multimedia class…. It’s very cool… but was WAY more involved than I suspected!  I’m BEAT!  Friday I spent making […]

So you know the scene in the Matrix where Neo is dodging the bullets in slow motion with the revolving camera around him?  That’s how I felt today…. I realized at 5:35 that I had a 6:00 final…. WOW!  GLAD I REMEMBERED!  whew… bullet dodged… THEN I realized that no… this final was last night…. […]

So Luke posted a song he wrote for me on his site…. you can actually hear it… ….. and I’m not QUITE sure how to feel about it……. …. but I DID clean up the audio a bit and remaster it for him…. I think I’m just…. …. disturbed…. overall…. Mood:  I feel slightly violated… […]

So I got this emailed to me and thought it was cool…. check it out: Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan… what we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.“I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of […]

OK…. so it’s been a LONG time without a meaningful entry….  Well, I’ve been pretty crazy-go-nuts busy lately… and now that it is finals week, I should…. (and I use the term lightly) be around more.  I’ll give you a brief synopsis of the past few days… I filmed some interviews with some parents and […]