Author Archives: Brent Pirolli

::sigh::  In a world filled with busy people… I fit right in…. unfortunately… Ya know, I’ve heard it said that we are never busy… that we are just choosing to prioritize wrong… we spend too much time on recreation vs. work…. …. …. to those people I say, “SHUT UP!  YOU’RE JUST TOO NOT IMPORTANT […]

Wow…. I just realized something… In 12 days…. I’ve had 500 hits…. …. HOLY CRAP!  Xanga is growing… like a…. big…. plant… that can eat people… or…. a big…. mass of red gelatinous goo that rolls around and absorbs things…. until it can’t be stopped…. …. this …. massive…. BLOB!  …. …… …… Did you […]

Ahhh…. lets discuss freedom…. freedom, success,  and opportunity.  First the freedom part… Today I realized that I don’t have classes on Wednesdays anymore… why?  Because I worked my butt off and got my grade high enough that I can skip all further classes, the last homework, the final exam, and the last quiz in my […]

Hey thanks for all the feedback on the pictures… if you haven’t told me an opinion yet, get it in by Tuesday at 5pm… I’ve got to turn these in at 6pm… I cleaned up a couple more of these and tried to print them today… only to find that my 2 week old ink […]

I’M BACK!  Not that anyone really knew I was gone… But on Saturday night my computer exploded…. litterally…. A capacitor in the power supply blew up and left me without a computer for about 16 hous… Yes… only 16 hours, cuz me being the nerd that I am, I needed this puppy up and running […]

Hey… If you’re Numero 3,000 let me know… I’ll …. uhhh… do something…. for you…. ….. ? -Brent “I smoked peyote for 6 days straight” Pirolli Ya know… I was GONNA upload some pics I took for my final project in photography…. but Xanga is busy NOT WORKING…. grrr….

OK…. so I thought that the freaky dream I had was the end of it… nope…. I had another even FREAKIER dream this morning… Luke told me that it takes like 3 hours for your body to get to the stage where it can sleep and dream detailed dreams… Well… This was during a 2 […]

OK…. check this out… this is a picture from my Astronomy book that I thought I’d share…. don’t freak… I’ll explain… If you look at the lower left corner, you’ll see the big dipper… now that little pink box in there is the same size as if you were standing outside and had a grain […]

Warning:  Uncomfortable post ahead… proceed with caution. So I went to this speaker dude on campus as part of a requirement for my job…. (being a RA)…. This guy was from Boston University and he is a doctor who studies rapists…. He presented a discussion based presentation entitled, “The Undetected Rapist” where he showed his […]