So we go from 82 degrees to 35 degrees in two days…. man…. OHIO WEATHER SUCKS! Aaaaaand on that note… I’m off to read and do homework. Mood: Eyes say tired, but brain says “NO!”Music: Stealers Wheel – Stuck In The Middle With You
So we go from 82 degrees to 35 degrees in two days…. man…. OHIO WEATHER SUCKS! Aaaaaand on that note… I’m off to read and do homework. Mood: Eyes say tired, but brain says “NO!”Music: Stealers Wheel – Stuck In The Middle With You
I’m not one to bash people publicly… but this dude is protesting the war…. fine… ok… great… but can we really take him seriously when he’s dressed in a pink tiger striped skirt, a tight pink shirt, with facepaint, and a flying nun hat? MAN! The freaks come out an night…. I’ll tell ya… Mood: […]
Easter Services went well… nothing bad… had 5,800 people…. or so I hear… I never saw any since I was back in my media room…. OK…. so get this… I’m walking back to my room after class and what do I see? Two pirates walking out of an elevator carrying a video camera…. I knew […]
So I’m experimenting with fun new Premium Schtuff…. I am on page 9 of about 15 or so of my final term paper for my Digital Color Applications class…. if you really wanna try and keep up and see how sick my demented fact-filled psycho nerd knowledge gets… ask me when I’m done and I’ll […]
I caved…. I got tired of trying to host pictures elsewhere and link them here…. and when I read that I can download all my back-logged entries and save them….. and when I realized it costs less for premium for a year than I spend on gas for a week…. I caved…. Mood: HUNGRY! IT’S […]
Actually Ben…. I thought I was done for when I handed him my license…. like…. I LOVE the picture… but it’s tough on ya when you get in trouble…. check it out….
ooooooh NEW PIC…….
OK…. fun stuff to talk about now…. First, I finally pinned down my prof and forced him to go to the secretary of our college to override the waiting list and get me registered for a class in the fall that he teaches… He kept saying he’d do it… he even wrote himself a note… […]
so who will be 2,600??? dun dun dun….
well… the red wings went out in 4 like punks…. I’m not too happy…. ah well, maybe it’s for the best…. I’ve got a buttload of work to do over the next few weeks and had they survived, I woulda blocked out SO MUCH TIME for the games…. nothing else woulda gotten done….. and now […]