Have you ever seen “Trigger Happy TV” on Comedy Central? I watched it for the first time tonight… and I laughed my BUTT OFF! It was actually almost completely clean humor! There was virtually no swearing…. no sexual references…. just flat out hilarious sketches done in real life…. like… 1) a nun and a guy in a […]
So I’m in my first class today at 8:30am…. and I’m getting reviewed on a project that I’d worked on for a good 3 months…. and I realize….. “I’M SUPPOSED TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES TODAY!!!” crap. I’m sitting in a class…. stuck…. for 3 hours…. while all my peers register and fill up classes before […]
So I couldn’t figure out what was making this bubbling/popping/gurgling noise in my room…. I could barely hear it when I was on my computer and I thought it was a bad connection in my monitor…. or maybe my throat even…. I was so confused for two days…. then my mouse started acting like the […]
So I’m workin down at the front desk today… and one of my fellow RA staff members is talking to a friend about how she isn’t gonna graduate early despite her ability to do so…. She wants to stay… and I asked, “WHY!?!??! It costs money to stay here!” Now she actually had a legitimate […]
I cut my hair…. it’s all short now… I know, it’s always short… but now it’s REALLY short…. and stuff… I got to pull the fire alarm pull thingie today… I evacuated 11 floors of students… Fire drills are fun…. (Yes, it was legal… ) I can’t wait till I’m done with school…. I […]
Man… I found out I got screwed on my taxes…. hard…. My mom claimed me as a dependent… which… technically… I don’t think she’s allowed to anymore… unless I let her… I don’t live at home more than 3 months a year… and I pay rent when I do… and I’m at school… paying all […]
OK ok… so I’m feeling better… but anyway, I wake up this morning and look outside…. and I see snow. Yeah…. snow. It went from 73 to snow in 1.5 days… welcome to BG…. maybe the pic should stay up a little longer! ANYWAY, I’m back from class and I now must complete the following: […]
To commemorate the war effort in Iraq… my stomach and I are fighting a battle… and like the U.S.A…. it’s kicking my butt…. so I’m going to sleep… hopefully… Stupid stomach…. Mood: OUCH! Music: …. none really…. I’m going to bed!
I really should put up a new pic now…. the ice is pretty much gone…… …. … Hmmm… I need to think about it… But I DO have one for Sarah to use… hint hint… Mood: Crazy as a goat…. ? Music: 3 Doors Down – Love Me When I’m Gone