Author Archives: Brent Pirolli

It’s been a busy few days… CedarCreek drained me a lot over the weekend, but I’m getting back to normal.  My classes are kinda getting annoying because I’m actually having trouble on my exams!  Trouble is defined as B’s and C’s vs. A’s… but still, it’s annoying to me since I am a perfectionist. I’m […]

Last night Sarah and I drove out to a field around 1am and watched the stars as I played guitar… It wasn’t a romantic moment… rather a … cherished moment.  Being able to sit out there, listen to the crickets, watch the sky, feel the breeze, and play guitar… and being able to share that with […]

Figuring out God’s will isn’t easy…  Taking steps of faith without knowing that will for certain is even harder…  Jumping off of cliffs into nothingness is… well… read on. Have you ever stood on a cliff (figuratively) and known that the only way down was to jump…. but if you jumped, you couldn’t see the […]

So the first night of CedarCreek’s BIG PUSH went off without a hitch… wait.. NO IT DIDN’T!!!  We couldn’t have PLANNED a more stressful night for the multimedia crew.  Last night the cameras and equipment were looking pretty good and calibrated… today it looked like someone gave us a totally new set of equipment and […]

Well, I’m half way through the gauntlet.  It’s now 2am on Saturday morning and in just under 12 hours, CedarCreek starts our biggest advertising push yet.  At 2pm 92.5 Kiss FM starts a live remote broadcast from CedarCreek’s parking lot until 5pm, we’ve been all over the news channels, papers, billboards, and radio stations… God […]

It was the best of times… It was the worst of times… [9/24/02 3:52 PM] Best of times: So, on Sunday night Sarah and I went out to a nearby field and watched the sky…  That was awesome.  It really felt like we finally were getting to figure this whole dating thing out… We watched […]

Remembering my strength… [9/16/02 1:49 PM] It’s amazing how quickly we can slip into apathy… How easy it is to forget why we do what we do.  Last night I spent a good hour or two in thought and prayer talking to God about my life.  I’ve realized that over the past two weeks alone, […]

Wishin I had more to say… [9/09/02 2:02 PM] Well, It’s been a week since my last posting so I figured I’d say something!  Nothing extraordinarilly interesting has gone down.  CedarCreek put me in charge of setting up the network in our new building… that is funny to me.  It just seems odd to say, […]

UP AND RUNNING! [9/02/02 8:17 PM] Wow… what a crazy past few weeks this has been…  CedarCreek moved into their new building, BGSU started our school year back up, and I’m an RA in Offenhauer…  AND on top of all that, the longest 6 month waiting period of my life is finally over!  Sarah Kuntz […]

  OK… So I finally caved and made a web journal. I’ll probably import my subprofile journal from AIM into this to give me some content and stuff later… ok… peace out.